The Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration (CFLR) program has again been fully funded with $40 million for FY14. The CFLR program is a federal program designed to provide funding for collaborative groups around the nation to restore forest health by removing the unnatural build-up of brush and small diameter trees, which can fuel megafires. 145 local, regional, and national level stakeholders from 22 states are working on landscape-scale restoration projects driven by science-based practices. The program is helping to make our forests healthier, protect our watersheds, improve ecological conditions, and infuse funds into local economies on a broad scale. The program is funding forest restoration projects along the Front Range in the Pike and Araphaho/Roosevelt National Forests. Find out more about the national initiative on the U.S. Forest Service’s CFLRP page, and learn more about local efforts on the Front Range Roundtable website.