Arizona homeowners allege negligence in fighting Yarnell Hill fire

Ninety-one residents who lost their homes in the Yarnell Hill fire in June have filed claims against the state, local government and fire agencies, accusing them of negligence, recklessness and intentional misconduct in managing the summer blaze that killed 19 firefighters and destroyed 8,000 acres of wild land and more than 100 dwellings.

Read the full article by the Los Angeles Times

Biomass for Energy

Colorado Springs Utilities will be using less coal in the upcoming year.  Their pilot project will study replacing some of the coal at their Drake Power Plant with biomass.  What a great way to use biomass and generate cleaner energy! Read more in the following articles:

Springs Utilities to launch pilot program to burn wood biofuel by the Colorado Springs Gazette

Colorado Springs Utilities plans to use less coal next year by KRDO News 13

Colorado’s first biomass plant begins delivering electricity

While some residents in the small Eagle County town worry about the impact on air quality, supporters hail the plant as a way to boost renewable energy and improve forest health. The biomass facility will burn wood to heat water, and the resulting steam will power a turbine, generating electricity.

Read the full Colorado Public Radio story