The Okmulgee Agency and Eastern Oklahoma Region, Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) produced this video. Learn more at fire
Category: Forest Health

In the absence of fire, intensive mechanical treatments needed to keep ponderosa pine forests healthy
Given the desire to keep fire out of some forest ecosystems where human developments are in harms way, forest logging and thinning projects can help keep trees healthy.

A Note from Aspen Hills
Winter is here and its a great time to look at where we are and what lies ahead in our wildfire mitigation efforts.Here is a pretty comprehensive article (albeit long) on the current state of affairs in Colorado. forest-colorado-pine There is a good section on a community that achieved the Firewise Community designation and noticed better insurance rates and improved property values, as a result.It also discusses Gov. Hickenloopers proposal to increase taxes to property owners in the WildlandUrban-Interface…us.The article is from the Glenwood Springs/Grand Junction paper, so it doesn’t mention the terrific work of the Coalition for the Upper South Platte, which is regional. But our partnership with CUSP has been instrumental in our designation as a Firewise Community, and we look forward to increased cooperation with them, as well as our partners at the Colorado State Forest Service.Since our community meeting last Spring, we have added 3 more property owner’s to our grant program. This brings the total number of properties signed up to 35 out of 63 properties in Aspen Hills. In addition, we now have a better way of communication between property owners for items of community interest, thanks to Vicki Rector!This year the property owners that signed up to have their work partially or fully contracted will be getting that work done thanks to our friends at CUSP, who will be overseeing the projects. For the rest of us doing our own work, we have until Feb. 2015 to complete the work in order to qualify for the grant. Winter is a good time to cut, although it poses some unique problems, especially when moving felled trees in heavy snow on steep slopes!I look forward to working with all of you in the upcoming year, especially in getting out the information on filling out the required paperwork and keeping track of time for the grant. As you know there is a push in the U.S. Congress to make more funds available for Wildfire Mitigation and both parties seem to be able to agree on that. I will try to keep track of and publicize any future grants as they become available.Please have a wonderful Holiday Season and Merry Christmas!Very Respectfully,Greg Jones

Udall urges Farm Bill Committee to include forest health provisions
December 5, 2013
Udall Leads Bipartisan Effort Pressing Farm Bill Conferees to Include Critical Job-Creation, Wildfire Prevention Provisions in Legislation
Good Neighbor Authority, Stewardship Contracting Authority Essential to Strengthening Western Forests, Businesses, CommunitiesMark Udall, who serves on the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, led a bipartisan group of senators today urging the Farm Bill conference committee to include critical forest health provisions in the final legislation. Udall and the bipartisan coalition said Good Neighbor Authority and Stewardship Contracting – which allows agencies to work collaboratively across state and local boundaries to reduce wildfire risks and promote public-private partnerships to manage forest health, respectively – are essential for Colorado and western communities.
“We urge the conferees to reauthorize and expand Good Neighbor Authority nationally and to permanently reauthorize Stewardship Contracting Authority,” Udall and the senators wrote in their letter. “These programs will streamline federal funds and increase the role of state and local agencies in federal forest management, while keeping our lands healthy, protect communities and save money in the long-term by mitigating our risks for catastrophic wildfires.”
Stewardship Contracting allows the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Management to enter into long-term contracts to reduce wildfire risk and improve forest health. Stewardship contracts create jobs by allowing the federal government to partner with private businesses to clear brush, produce timber products, generate biomass energy, and strengthen forest health. The authority has been used to treat more than 545,625 acres nationwide.
Good Neighbor Authority, which is currently only allowed in Colorado and Utah, allows state foresters to work across local and state boundaries to perform forest, rangeland and watershed restoration services on National Forest System and BLM land.
Udall has introduced stand-alone legislation that would permanently reauthorize Stewardship Contacting authority and successfully fought to move legislation that would expand Good Neighbor Authority. Udall has also been a strong proponent of the Senate’s bipartisan Farm Bill and has partnered with the Colorado Farm Bureau and the Rocky Mountain Farmers Union to push the U.S. House of Representatives to act and pass a deficit-reducing Farm Bill.
U.S. Senators John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), Mike Crapo (R-Idaho), Mike Enzi (R-Wyo.), Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) and Jim Risch (R-Idaho) also signed the letter.
To read the bipartisan letter, click HERE.
Forest Cooperatives in Colorado
To find out more about forest collaboratives, check out this page on the nationwide Collaborative Forest Restoration Program.

New Tool To Track Forests
Check out this cool mapping tool developed to track changes in forests across the globe. Read this NY Times article for a little background.

Emerald ash borer puts Colorado tree experts on alert
This insect … makes all other insects look beneficial
Read the full Denver Post article about the discovery of the emerald ash borer in Boulder County and what the implications are for Colorado.

Continuity & Momentum in the Aftermath of Wildfire – Woodland Park Firewise Communities
Examples of this perseverance in the face of catastrophe abound among our Firewise brethren. For example, in response to last year’s Waldo Canyon Fire, which destroyed nearly 300 homes in Colorado, community activists Bonnie Sumner and Scott Lord led their respective communities (Majestic Park and Forest Edge County Ridge Estates) in stepping up their local efforts. Sumner recalls attending a remembrance marking the 10-year anniversary of the 2002 Hayman Fire, where she picked up information about Firewise principles. Three days later, the Waldo Canyon Fire struck.
Read the full article in the Fall 2013 Firewise How-To Newsletter

How Healthy Are Our Forests?
Each year, the Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests provides information to the Colorado General Assembly and citizens of Colorado about the health and condition of forests across the state. In addition to providing a comprehensive overview of the current health of Colorado’s forests, this year’s report also includes sidebars that highlight the ongoing management and stewardship of our forests. These forest management actions help sustain production of wood and non-timber products, support Colorado communities and economies, and ensure the health and diversity of Colorado’s forests for current and future generations.
Read the full 2012 Report on the Health of Colorado’s Forests

Wildfire Insurance & Forest Health Task Force Report
Governor John Hickenlooper created the Task Force on Wildfire Insurance and Forest Health through Executive Order B 2013-002. The group was asked to identify and reach agreement on ways to encourage activities, practices and policies that would reduce the risk of loss in wildland-urban interface (WUI) areas and provide greater customer choice and knowledge of insurance options.
Take a look at the full report.
Recommendations Include:
- Update Colorado Wildfire Risk Assessment Portal (CO-WRAP) to identify and quantify risk to specific properties in the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI)
- Disclose CO-WRAP scores to stakeholders
- Amend standard real-estate contract form to include disclosure of CO-WRAP score
- Create process for appeals/updates of CO-WRAP scores
- Require Wildfire Mitigation Audits for high risk homes
- Develop and disseminate uniform Best Management Practices (BMPs)
- Implement state-wide model ordinance
- Prohibit inconsistent community building or land use requirements
- Create pilot program for prescribed burns
- Assess a fee on properties in the WUI
- Continue and enhance state grant funding
- Increase awareness of financial assistance and technical support
- Disseminate information about HB 13-1225
Task Force Recommendations – Implications for Homeowners in the WUI:
- Obtain CO-WRAP score and Wildfire Mitigation Audit (if high risk)
- Comply with building and land use codes
- Pay property fee
Incentives for Mitigation
- State funding for mitigation
- Tax incentives
- Desire to lower insurance premiums and avoid Wildfire Mitigation Audit
Available Information
- Uniform best management practices
- Existing resources and funding options
- Homeowners Insurance Reform Act (HB 13-1225)